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Leading Digital Garment Inspection

define a new apparel category

Some of our happy customers

Why RapidMeasuring ?

Efficient and Accurate Inspections

Simply place the garment piece, click the button, and receive precise measurements instantly.

No manual stretching or holding required.

Our technology delivers 99.9% accuracy, comparable to a metal ruler.

Streamlined Workflow


Leverage the power of our computer vision technology paired with advanced camera systems for a flawless integration into your current infrastructure. This approach guarantees precise measurements and boosts operational efficiency. Say goodbye to human errors and uphold the integrity of your processes with our innovative solution.


Cost-effective Quality Assurance


Slash your measurement time from a cumbersome 90 seconds down to a mere 2 seconds.

Leverage our cutting-edge system to empower a single inspection station to handle volumes once deemed impossible.


Rapid Measuring solution

how it works


place your item under the camera

thats it.

smart computer vision inspect

click to measure.

Our computer vision technology meticulously adheres to your measurement criteria, effortlessly pinpointing the areas you need.


automated analysis of the size

Obtain your outcomes effortlessly.

Our automated measurement solution delivers the precise data you need.

Every measurement and image is securely archived for easy retrieval and management.

Recent posts

Insights from the Leading Digital Garment Inspection Company


Exploring the World of Digital Garment Inspection


See what people are saying

I am extremely impressed with the digital garment inspection services provided by thullex. They have a highly efficient system that ensures accurate and detailed inspections, saving us a lot of time and effort. Their expertise in this field is unmatched, and I highly recommend their services to anyone in the garment industry.
Ervin Howell, VP Product, Deckow-Crist
thullex has revolutionized the way we conduct garment inspections. Their digital inspection solutions are not only precise but also incredibly user-friendly. The team at thullex is always available to assist and provide invaluable support. Thanks to their services, we have improved our inspection process and achieved greater efficiency.
Clementina DuBuque, SVP Sales, Hoeger LLC.
Choosing thullex for our garment inspection needs was one of the best decisions we made. Their cutting-edge technology and attention to detail have significantly enhanced the quality control of our garments. The thullex team is professional, reliable, and always delivers exceptional results. We are extremely satisfied with their services.
Kurtis Weissnat, CMO, Brunlow Inc.



Our Company

At Thullex, we stand at the forefront of digital garment inspection, revolutionizing the industry with our cutting-edge technology. Our expertise in custom-made shirts has given us a profound understanding of the nuances in production that demand the highest quality standards. This insight has propelled us to delve deep into the intricacies of garment production, ensuring we meet and surpass the expectations of our clients. Our dedication to excellence is unmatched, and we pride ourselves on providing services that are not only reliable but also highly efficient. For garment inspection solutions that you can trust, look no further than Thullex.

Our Team

Dedicated professionals ensuring quality and accuracy

Emily Smith

Quality Assurance Specialist - Ensures garments meet standards

Olivia Johnson

Data Analyst - Analyzes garment inspection data for insights

Daniel Thompson

Technical Support Engineer - Provides technical assistance

Contact Us

  1. Waidmannsluster Damm 7 C-E 13507 Berlin - Germany


  3. +49 15206405622

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